There are names and phenomena in the fashion world that choose themselves worthy of themselves. Every accessory, any thing marked with the name Hermes is an exhibit, a luxury item and the pride of its owner. Exclusive bags, scarves and fragrances. Each Hermes cologne is individual and self-sufficient, and therefore is a kind of reflection of the personality of its wearer. Hermes perfumes are classified as elite – they include expensive and rare components of natural origin, and aroma bouquets are always distinguished by originality and sophistication.
We offer Hermes perfume samples and cologne decants to those who want to expand their fragrance collection with the aroma that perfectly emphasizes their inner world.
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Perfume samples by Hermes are for bright, sensual, fashion-loving, elegant women who strive to always be in the center of attention and break men’s hearts with pleasure. Having no age restriction, colognes, however, will look most advantageous on young women over 30 years old who know perfectly well what they want from life and who know how to emphasize their beauty and style.
Bright and saturated with various components, Hermes fragrances are more likely to be used in evening perfumery, which allows you to emphasize the beauty, sensuality and elegance of an afternoon female image. Stylish and aristocratic aroma sample require compliance with a special dress code and are not compatible with jeans, sneakers and bulky sweaters. The noble and elegant Hermes eau de toilette requires heels, a beautiful dress and makeup from a woman, and is also perfectly compatible with expensive leather accessories, silk tents and scarves. The disclosure of the brand’s eau de toilette does not change depending on the time of year, which allows you to enjoy bright compositions both in hot summer and frozen autumn-winter days.
The Hermes fashion house was created in 1837 and initially served only representatives of the French aristocracy. The brand created high-quality clothes and shoes for riding and bridles for horses. That is why the Hermes emblem has become a harnessed chariot. Later, the fashion house expanded its range – accessories, wristwatches, silk scarves and jewelry appeared in the collection. Hermes has entered the forefront of the fashion industry. This merit belongs to Emil Erme, the founder of the company. It should be noted that his followers devoted themselves to work with no less enthusiasm. Today Hermes is one of the most important fashion houses.
The first fragrance was presented to the public only in 1951. This step was quite risky – the post-war period left a bitter imprint on the consciousness of mankind, and the economic situation of the company was quite unstable. However, the risk turned out to be justified – the floral-woody female fragrance Eau d’Hermes was warmly received by connoisseurs of perfumery. Enthusiastic reviews of the Hermes cologne quickly spread around the world. Fortunately, the first fragrance is produced to this day.
The authority of the Hermes Fashion House is unshakable, it is one of the world’s famous trendsetters of fashion trends. The brand’s stylish and bright fragrances, created by leading experts in the perfumery art, follow a woman, a fascinating, status-emphasizing, royal scent, becoming an elegant addition to a luxurious image, impossible without high heels, a long evening dress and a leather bag. Just order samples decanted from the original authentic perfume bottle and feel an exquisite perfume water designed for modern women who are confident in their beauty and originality.